“God loves these people!”
Dear Sovereign Redeemer and other friends,
Though known as “the Prince of Preachers,” Charles Spurgeon would famously say to himself “I believe in the Holy Spirit” as he mounted each step into the pulpit of Metropolitan Tabernacle in London. He knew the feeling of inadequacy that a preacher often feels of doing justice to the glorious Bible truths to be handled that day, and desperately wanted the Holy Spirit to come and do a supernatural work in and through his preaching.
A different thought comes into my mind almost every time I enter the pulpit: “God loves these people!”
I am no stranger to realizing I am inadequate to do justice to the the Scripture text for the day, but almost every week I am given confidence, comforted, calmed by the unshakable knowledge that God so loves His blood-bought people that it is unthinkable that He would let my inadequacies prevent them from being well fed on His day.
That knowledge almost always banishes my butterflies and makes me happy.
Your brother,