Smitten with God
Dear Sovereign Redeemer and other friends,
A brother and I are reading Paul Washer’s “Gospel Assurance & Warnings” together, which is essentially a great exposition of the marks of a true Christian from 1 John. Here is a quote we came across today:
“Man, the pinnacle of God’s creation, was made in the image of God and for His glory. Whether he eats or drinks or accomplishes any sort of task from the highest to the most menial, he is to do it all for the glory and good pleasure of God. In summary, man is to be smitten with God and driven by a passion for Him. Every breath and heartbeat is to be for God’s glory; every activity and accomplishment is to find its end in God’s good pleasure.” (Chapter 8, “Rejecting the World,” pg 75)
Smitten with God. Think of that. Not trudging along, half-step ahead of a taskmaster’s whip, but captivated and motivated by a great, personal object of affection. This is connected, I think, to the “first love” mentioned in Revelation 2:4. To whatever extent we find ourselves to have drifted away from being smitten with God, let us return with all haste!